ADC - 0809 Interfacing Module
- ADC module using ADC-0809.
- 8 bit accuracy ADC chip
- Eight Channel on-chip multiplexed ADC.
- A/D Conversion time 100 micro sec.
- SOC, EOC, O/P enable can be accessed by user.
- Provision of 0 to 5V variable source using Potentiometer for one channel.
- Eight channel analog inputs are to be provided on Screw Terminals.
- Connect to 8255 using 26 pin FRC Connector.
- User's manual with sample programs.
DAC - 0800 Interfacing Module
- DAC module using DAC-0800.
- 8 bit accuracy DAC chip
- Dual channel DAC using 2 Nos. of DAC-0800.
- DAC settling time is 100 ns
- DAC output is provided at two test points.
- Connect to 8255 using 26 pin FRC connector.
- User's manual with sample programs.
AD - 574 Interfacing Module
- ADC module using AD-574 chip.
- 12 bit accuracy ADC chip
- Single channel ADC module.
- A/D conversion time of 15 micro sec.
- Analog inputs are provided at screw terminals.
- Connect to 8255 using 26 pin FRC connector.
- User's manual with sample programs
Digital I/O Interfacing Module
- 8 Digital Inputs provided using 8 way DIP Switch
- 8 Input LED Indicators are provided
- 8 Output LED Indicators are provided
- Connect to 8255 using 26 pin FRC Connector.
- User's Manual with Sample Programs.
Elevator Simulator Module
- Four floor elevator simulator model
- LED indication for Each Floor is provided
- Up & Down Lift position indication by 10 Nos. of LED
- Each Floor is accessed using Four Keys provided on board.
- Connect to 8255 using 26 pin FRC Connector.
- User's manual with sample programs.
IC Tester IM For IC - 7400
- On-board two nos. of 14 pin socket and one no. of 16 pin Socket provided.
- One 14 Pin IC-7400 IC is provided for testing.
- Connect to 8255 using 26 pin FRC Connector.
- User's Manual with Sample Programs.
Four Digit Seven Segment Display.
- Four digit seven segment display.
- Display technique used is serial in parallel out shift register technique
- For this technique two port pins are used for display.
- Connect to 8255 using 26 pin FRC Connector.
- User's manual with sample programs.
Stepper Motor Controller Card With Motor
- This Card can Control a Two/Four phase motor
- Half Step, Full Step can be controlled using this card.
- Clock Wise & Anti Clock wise rotations can be controlled
- Speed can be controlled by this controller
- Facility to control maximum 2Kg cm Motor is provided.
- 0.25Kg cm Stepper Motor is supplied along with this module.
- Provision for connecting external 5V/12V supply to drive the motor
- Connect to 8255 using 26 pin FRC Connector.
- User's Manual with Sample Programs.
5x4 Keys Matrix Keyboard Interface Module
- 5x4 Keys matrix Keyboard.
- Keyboard consists of 20 keys.
- Consist of hexadecimal numerals from 0 to 13.
- Keys are organized as Four Rows & Five Columns Matrix
- Connect to 8255 using 26 pin FRC Connector.
- User's manual with sample programs.
6x1 LCD Display Module
- 16x1 Liquid Crystal Display.
- One 16 rows Alphanumeric Characters will be Displayed.
- Facility for back lite display.
- Connect to 8255 using 26 pin FRC Connector.
- User's manual with sample programs.
16x2 LCD Display Module
- 16x2 Liquid Crystal Display.
- Two 16 rows alphanumeric characters will be displayed.
- Facility for back lite display.
- Connect to 8255 using 26 pin FRC Connector.
- User's manual with sample programs.
Traffic Light Controller Module
- Single Square traffic light display controller
- East, west, north, south posts are defined on the PCB for the square.
- For each post four LED is provided in Red, Yellow & Green color.
- Connect to 8255 using 26 pin FRC Connector.
- User's manual with sample programs.
Temperature Measurement Module
- ADC-0809 is used for analog to digital conversion.
- 8 bit accuracy ADC chip
- A/D Conversion time is 100 micro sec.
- Op-amps are provided for signal conditioning of output from sensor.
- K-type thermocouple is used for the measurement.
- Thermocouple sensor is supplied with the module.
- Variable pot is provided for adjusting gain and offset.
- Temperature measurement max. up to 99°C is possible
- Connect to 8255 using 26 pin FRC Connector.
- User's Manual with Sample Programs.
DC Motor Controller Card With Motor
- DAC-0800 is used for digital to analog conversion.
- 8 bit accuracy DAC chip
- SPDT Relay is provided for direction control
- Clock Wise & Anti Clock wise rotation can be controlled
- Speed can be controlled by this controller
- 9 Volt DC Motor is supplied with this card.
- 9 Volt AC Adaptor is supplied with this card.
- Connect to 8255 using 26 pin FRC Connector.
- User's manual with sample programs.
Relay And OPTO Coupler Interfacing Module
- Four SPDT Relays are provided.
- Relay outputs NO, NC, COM is provided at Screw Terminals.
- Four Opto isolator inputs are provided using MCT2E.
- Opto Inputs are provided through 10 pin FRC Connector.
- Connect to 8255 using 26 pin FRC Connector.
- User's manual with sample programs.
8x8 LED Matrix Interfacing Module
- 8x8 LED Matrix Display.
- Display consists of 64 nos. of 3mm LED.
- LED’s are organized as Eight Rows & Eight Columns matrix.
- All LEDs are buffered.
- Connect to 8255 using 26 pin FRC Connector
- User's manual with sample programs.
Thumb Wheel Switch Card
- Two digit thumb wheel switch.
- Thumb wheel switch can be set from 00 to 99.
- Output of Thumb wheel switch is in BCD format.
- Connect to 8255 using 26 pin FRC connector.
- User's manual with sample programs.
Light Sensing Module Using LDR
- Light Sensing device using LDR
- For Alarm indication one SPDT Relay is provided.
- Relay output is provided in connector.
- Connect to 8255 using 26 pin FRC Connector.
- User's manual with sample programs.
OPTO Isolated Input Module
- 8 bit OPTO Isolated input using MCT-2E IC.
- OPTO inputs indication are provided by 5mm LED.
- OPTO inputs are provided through 16 pin Connector.
- Connect to 8255 using 26 pin FRC Connector.
- User's manual with sample programs.
OPTO Isolated Output Module
- 8 bit OPTO Isolated output using MCT-2E IC.
- OPTO outputs indication are provided by 5mm LED.
- OPTO output are provided through 16 pin Connector
- External +12V provision is provided for isolation.
- Connect to 8255 using 26 pin FRC Connector.
- User's Manual with Sample Programs
101 ASC II Keyboard Module
- 101 ASCII PC Keyboard interface.
- PC Keyboard interface through 89c2051 Microcontroller.
- PC Keyboard AT-type Connector is provided
- 101 ASCII keyboard is provided with this module.
- Connect to 8255 using 26 pin FRC Connector.
- User's Manual with Sample Programs.
Real Time Clock (RTC - 6242) Module
- Real Time Clock using IC 6242.
- 32.678 KHz. Crystal is provided.
- Date, month & year can be measured.
- Seconds, minutes & hours can be measured.
- Connect through 40/50 pin FRC Connector.
- User's manual with sample programs.
Seven Segment Display With Matrix Keyboard
- 5x4 Keys matrix Keyboard.
- Keyboard consists of 20 keys.
- Consist of Hexadecimal numerals from 0 to 13.
- Keys are organized as Four Rows & Five Columns matrix
- Study of techniques like software debouching, Keyboard scanning,
key closer, two keys lockout, keyboard encoding & Pausing.
- 16x2 Liquid Crystal Display.
- Two 16 rows alphanumeric characters will be displayed.
- Facility for backlite display.
- Connect to 8255 using 26 pin FRC Connector.
- User's Manual with Sample Programs.
16x2 LCD Display With Matrix Keyboard
- 5x4 Keys matrix Keyboard.
- Keyboard consists of 20 keys.
- Consist of Hexadecimal numerals from 0 to 13.
- Keys are organized as four rows & five columns matrix
- Study of techniques like software debouching, keyboard scanning,
key closer, two keys lockout, keyboard encoding & Pausing.
- 16x2 Liquid Crystal Display.
- Two 16 rows alphanumeric characters will be displayed.
- Facility for back lite display.
- Connect to 8255 using 26 pin FRC Connector.
- User's manual with sample programs
Bit AD / DA Interfacing Module
- ADC module using ADC-0804.
- 8 bit accuracy ADC chip
- Single Channel ADC.
- A/D Conversion time 100 micro sec.
- Single Channel DAC using one No. of DAC-0800
- 8 bit accuracy DAC chip
- DAC Settling time is 100 ns
- Analog inputs and outputs are provided on Screw Terminals.
- Connect to 8255 using 26 pin FRC Connector.
- User's Manual with Sample Programs.
Level Simulator Module
- Four Level Simulator model
- Level indication is provided using LED
- Up & Down Level position indication by 10 Nos. of LED
- Lower & upper level limit can be set by software
- Connect to 8255 using 26 pin FRC Connector.
- User's manual with sample programs.
Six Digit Seven Segment Display Module
- On-board six digit seven segment display.
- Display technique used is Decoder technique
- For this technique two port pins are used for display.
- Connect to 8255 using 26 pin FRC Connector.
- User's Manual with Sample Programs.
Parellel To Serial And Serial To Parallel Module
- 8 bit Parallel to serial convertor using IC-74165.
- Eight Parallel Inputs are indicated by LED.
- Serial to 8 bit parallel convertor using IC-74595.
- Eight Parallel Outputs are indicated by LED.
- Connect to 8255 using 26 pin FRC Connector.
- User's manual with sample program.
8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface Study Card
- 24 bit I/O using 8255 Programmable Peripheral IC
- All Input/Output ports pins are terminated on 3 eight pin terminals and 26 pin FRC Connector
- All Input/Output ports are indicated by 3 mm LED.
- Data lines from AD0 to AD7 are indicated by 3 mm LED.
- Chip Select, A0, A1, Read, Write are indicated by 3 mm LED.
- Hardware Single Step and Full Clock Execution mode are provided.
- Single stepping can be performed using micro switch provided on board.
- Using this study card all MODE experiment can be performed.
- Interface 8085/8086 Kit using 50 pin FRC Connector.
- User's Manual with Sample Programs.
8253 Programmable Timer Counter Study Card
- Three channel Timer/Counter using 8253 Programmable Timer Counter IC.
- All Input/Output ports pins are terminated on terminals and 10 pin FRC Connector.
- Clock for Counter-0 is internally provided.
- Data lines from AD0 to AD7 are indicated by 3 mm LED.
- Chip Select, A0, A1, Read, Write are indicated by 3 mm LED.
- Hardware Single Step and Full Clock Execution modes are provided.
- Single stepping can be performed using micro switch provided on board.
- Using this study card all MODE experiment can be performed.
- Interface 8085/8086 Kit using 50 pin FRC Connector.
- User's Manual with Sample Programs.
8155 Programmable Peripheral Interface With Timer
- 22 bit I/O with single channel timer using 8155 Programmable Peripherals IC
- All Input/Output ports pins are terminated on 3 eight pin terminals and 26 pin FRC Connector
- All Input/Output ports are indicated by 3 mm LED.
- Data lines from AD0 to AD7 are indicated by 3 mm LED.
- Chip Select, IO, Memory, Read, Write are indicated by 3 mm LED.
- Hardware Single Step and Full Clock Execution modes are provided.
- Single stepping can be performed using micro switch provided on board.
- Using this study card all MODE experiment can be performed.
- Interface 8085/8086 Kit using 50 pin FRC Connector.
- User's Manual with Sample Programs.
8251 USART Study Card
- 22 bit I/O with single channel timer using 8155 Programmable Peripherals IC
- All Input/Output ports pins are terminated on 3 eight pin terminals and 26 pin FRC Connector
- All Input/Output ports are indicated by 3 mm LED.
- Data lines from AD0 to AD7 are indicated by 3 mm LED.
- Chip Select, IO, Memory, Read, Write are indicated by 3 mm LED.
- Hardware Single Step and Full Clock Execution modes are provided.
- Single stepping can be performed using micro switch provided on board.
- Using this study card all MODE experiment can be performed.
- Interface 8085/8086 Kit using 50 pin FRC Connector.
- User's Manual with Sample Programs.
8257 Direct Memory Access Study Card
- Programmable Direct Memory Access controller using 8257 IC.
- On-board 2K RAM Provided using 6116 IC for DMA Operation.
- 8 Inputs are fed through input terminals with 3 mm LED indicator.
- Data lines from AD0 to AD7 are indicated by 3mm LED.
- Chip Select, Read, Write, A0, A1, A2, A3, Memory-Write,
- Memory-Read, IO-Write, IO-Read are indicated by 3mm LED.
- AEN, Mark, TC, HRQ, DACK0, DACK1, DACK2 are indicated by 3 mm LED.
- Hardware Single Step and Full Clock Execution modes are provided.
- Single stepping can be performed using micro switch provided on board.
- Using this study card all MODE experiment can be performed.
- Interface 8085/8086 Kit using 50 pin FRC Connector.
- User's Manual with Sample Programs..
8259 Programmable Interrupt Controller Study Card
- 8 Channel Programmable Interrupt Controller using 8259 IC.
- 8 Inputs interrupts are fed through input terminals.
- Data lines from AD0 to AD7 are indicated by 3 mm LED.
- Chip Select, Read, Write, INTA, INTR are indicated by 3 mm LED.
- Hardware Single Step and Full Clock Execution modes are provided.
- Single stepping can be performed using micro switch provided on board.
- Using this study card all MODE experiment can be performed.
- Interface 8085/8086 Kit using 50 pin FRC Connector.
- User's Manual with Sample Programs.
8279 PKDC Study Card
- Programmable Keyboard Display Controller using 8279 IC.
- All scan lines/return lines are fed through input terminals and 26 pin FRC connector.
- Data lines from AD0 to AD7 are indicated by 3 mm LED.
- Chip Select, Read, Write, INTA, A0 are indicated by 3 mm LED.
- Hardware Single Step and Full Clock Execution mode are provided.
- Single stepping can be performed using micro switch provided in the board.
- 8 Digit Seven Segment display with 20 keys keypad interface module
can be interfaced with 8279 Study Card. (Optional)
- Using this study card all modes experiment can be performed.
- Interface 8085/8086 Kit using 50 pin FRC Connector.
- User's Manual with Sample Program.
8212 Latch Study Card
- Eight bit Latch output using 8212 IC
- Eight buffered latched output are indicated by 3 mm LED.
- Hardware Single Step and Full Clock Execution modes are provided.
- Single stepping can be performed using micro switch provided on board.
- Using this study card all MODE experiment can be performed.
- Interface 8085/8086 Kit using 50 pin FRC Connector.
- User's Manual with Sample Programs.
Latch / Buffer Study Card
- 8 bit Latch output using 74373 IC.
- 8 bit Buffer input using 74245 IC.
- 8 buffered latch output are indicated by 3 mm LED.
- Eight Way DIP Switch is provided for buffer input.
- Eight bit buffered output are indicated by 3 mm LED.
- Chip Select for IC-74245 and IC-74373 are indicated by 3 mm LED.
- Hardware Single Step and Full Clock Execution modes are provided.
- Single stepping can be performed using micro switch provided on board.
- Using this study card all MODE experiment can be performed.
- Interface 8085/8086 Kit using 50 pin FRC Connector.
- User's Manual with Sample Programs.
6116/6264/32256 Ram Study Card
- Random access memory using 6264 IC.
- Data lines from AD0 to AD7 are indicated by 3 mm LED.
- Chip Select, Read, Write are indicated by 3 mm LED.
- Hardware single step and full clock execution modes are provided.
- Single stepping can be performed using micro switch provided on board.
- Using this study card all MODE experiment can be performed.
- Interface 8085/8086 Kit using 50 pin FRC Connector.
- User's Manual with Sample Programs.
Interface and Study Cards